Westminster Children's Center

Westminster Children's Center

Center Profile

Director: Michelle Longoria
Admin. Assistant: Mayra Sanchez
1757 N. Lake Ave
Pasadena, CA 91104
Phone:(626)797-6575 Fax:(626)797-1466

Located at the Westminster Presbyterian Church, the Center features a separate infant cottage and a comprehensive preschool program. Teachers work closely to develop meaningful curriculum for children, meeting their developmental needs leading to future school success.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Some reminders and notes

Today we all participated in the Southern California Shake Out. We did a school wide earthquake drill. The babies came rolling out in their cribs. The Older Infants all came out with the help of our cook Ari. Our Toddlers dropped and covered in the room coming down from the gym. The Preschool and Pre-K dropped and covered in their rooms then found a safe way to come upstairs. The Preschool C were outside on the playground and made it safely to the evacuation area in the parking lot. This drill lasted 4 minutes and was very successful. A lot of questions were answered and in case of a real earthquake we will be more prepared.
Just to let you know about a couple of staff changes- Sarah started with us last week in Preschool C. Sarah has been a welcome addition to our school. Yesterday was Susan, Older Infants, last day with Westminster.
Just a few reminders-
Friday- All pictures and picture money is due. Also after Friday the price for the Emergency kits will go up to $15.00.
Monday- At 6:00pm we will be having the second of our meetings for the WCC Carnival. Come and help us with the carnival.
Tuesday- At 6:00pm is our monthly PAL Meeting. This month the Pasadena Education Network is coming to speak. They will be discussing the Pasadena School District and the enrolling of Kindergarten children.

Thank you,

Michelle Longoria

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